As much as I love to be with family during the holidays, this is my first Thanksgiving alone. Even though this holiday was never that big of a deal to me, it's one of those days where everyone expects you to travel back to where you're from and spend the day with relatives. Unfortunately, my work schedule and budget won’t allow me to travel across the country today.
At first I was freaking out about my first Thanksgiving away from home, but then I decided to make the most of my situation. It doesn’t have to be sad or lonely, if you’re away from your family this year.
Here are five things I am going to do to celebrate Thanksgiving on my own.
1. Friendsgiving: I will be surrounding myself with friends who are in a similar situation as me. Thankfully, I have a few friends that are also living far away from family. We will have our own Thanksgiving celebration together to celebrate.
2. Relaxing: I just got a new job and have been swamped lately. Having a few days off work and being able to chill out is just what I need.
3. Take A Road Trip: Especially in California, you can drive a couple of hours and be in an exciting new city in a blink of an eye. Where will I go...?
4. Talking To My Family Back Home: With Facetime at my finger tips, I am sure I will feel like I'm there with them when I make the call.
5. Making My Own Traditions: I need to face the fact that I live in LA now and won't be able to make it home for every single family event. So here is to making new traditions in my new city!
AND...most of all I am going to think about everything I am thankful for. I am beyond thankful of everyone and everything in my life right now. I will take time to reflect and let those know why I am so grateful for them!
What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year? Will you be with friends, family or flying solo?