So…you wanna get in "The Zone?"

This week I stepped inside "The Zone" pop-up experience in LA that is all inspired by the queen of pop herself, Britney Spears.
Now I don’t know about you, but I’m a HUGE Britney Spears fan…I mean we do have the same first AND middle name. When I was younger, I even convinced my mom to throw me a Britney Spears themed birthday party and we hired an impersonator who taught us all her dances. Wow, I was lucky! Most recently, I was Britney Spears for Halloween (like being her when I was 7 wasn’t enough for me).
When I heard the news there was going to be a Britney Spears pop-up experience in Los Angeles, I knew I was destined to go. I called some friends and we got our tickets. The day of our pop-up experience in LA, I decided to strut into the bright pink building in my Britney Spears Halloween costume. When else would I get another chance to wear it? 😊
Britney Spears “The Zone,” is a pop-up exhibition in Los Angeles dedicated to celebrating the career of the infamous pop star. The experience features ten interactive rooms where you can take countless photos and video activations. Before getting started, every guest is given a wristband that is connected to “The Zone” app on your phone. This allows you to interact with the displays and download all of your photos/videos you take when you are finished.
Throughout the 90-minute experience, visitors are guided through ten interactive rooms, each designed to represent an iconic moment in Britney Spears’ career. You are placed in a small group and escorted through each installment. They give you plenty of time to sing, explore, and of course take those Instagram worthy pictures/videos we all need! I felt like I was stepping inside a music video when I entered each room when a new Britney Spears hit song would come blasting through the speakers.
The first stop is a classroom for your introduction, inspired by the “Baby One More Time” music video.
I took advantage of all the Instagram-worthy spots throughout the tour. My favorite room was the “Oops I did It Again” room, because it matched my outfit!
“The Zone” debuted in Los Angeles in January of this year. You can head here to get your tickets. It’s Britney bitch!